New members will get 100 yuan shopping credit immediately when they join. Free shipping when spending over $800 in the whole store.
臺灣雖然狹小,但是城鄉差距還是存在著,許多弱勢孩童因家庭的各種困境,無法給予孩子更多的支持,孩子們常被迫放棄求學或追求夢想。 ISG Wellness & Beauty 希望幫助這些偏鄉孩童就學,並有機會去探索他們自己的興趣,不該讓「現實問題」成為孩子成長的絆腳石,每個孩子都值得一個夢想的機會!
ISG Wellness & Beauty 創辦人的太太,覺得能夠付出是很幸福的事,「助人為快樂之泉源」為她的座右銘,也將「做公益」視為己身的使命,只要自己有能力就盡力回饋社會,感恩社會給予她的,再回饋給這個社會,是她一直持續在做的事,能夠創造出自己的價值來貢獻給需要幫助的人。
ISG Wellness & Beauty 的核心理念,是「以人為本」,秉持這樣美好的意念,並透過企業的力量,在創造己身價值的同時,也將己身能力更擴大到社會各個需要幫助的角落,於是「迎光計畫」誕生了!
For every product sold by ISG Wellness & Beauty, the company allocates funds to purchase supplies for donation to children in remote mountainous areas in need. The goal is to ensure that every seed in the dark corners eventually blossoms into a large and beautiful flower, bathed in sunlight.
Every quarter, we donate to different locations, allowing your efforts and kindness to spread far and wide. Join us in making every corner of society bloom.
"Providing hope for today's children is investing in tomorrow's societal future." Everyone can contribute to changing society, whether through donations or tangible participation. As long as it genuinely and effectively helps others, it is a heartwarming form of happiness.
ISG Wellness & Beauty 希望在分享產品與獲得收入同時,也是在靠己身的力量去幫助弱勢族群。
ISG Wellness & Beauty 創辦人太太認為「將每一個人微小的力量團結凝聚後,所帶來的影響和改變將不可限量」